International Labour Standards

Constitutional reporting and other standards-related obligations: Resources and forms for constituents

Conventions come into force for any State only through an act of ratification duly registered by the Director-General of the ILO. However, under article 19 of the Constitution, all member States have an obligation to submit Conventions and Recommendations to the competent national authorities. 

Constitutional reporting obligations (Art. 19, 22 and 35): Resources and report forms for constituents

Reporting on non ratified conventions (art. 19) and General Surveys

Under article 19 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization report at appropriate intervals as requested by the Governing Body on the position of their law and practice in regard to the matters dealt On this basis the ILO Governing Body selects each year the Conventions and Recommendations on which Members are requested to supply reports.

These reports, as well as those submitted under articles 22 and 35 of the ILO Constitution by the States parties to the Conventions concerned, allow the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations to establish General Surveys on the effect given, in law and in practice, to the instruments considered.

Reports should be sent to the following contact:

Regular reporting on ratified conventions (art 22 and 35)

Under Article 22, reports are periodically requested from States which have ratified ILO Conventions: 

Reports should be sent to the following contact: 

Participation of employers' and workers' organizations in the supervisory mechanisms (Art 23)

Submission of social partners observations

Communications under Article 23 of the Constitution:

Employers’ and workers’ organizations wishing to transmit their observations directly to the Office should use the following contact:

Reports of the supervisory bodies and complaint procedures

Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) and Conference Committee on the Application of Standards...

Regular supervision

Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) and Conference Committee on the Application of Standards...

Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA), Representations Art. 24 and Complaints Art. 26

Special procedures

Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA), Representations Art. 24 and Complaints Art. 26