Seventh 1+6 roundtable

China – ILO Partnership


14 projects

China currently funds 14 ILO development cooperation projects worldwide

US$ 5 million

China has contributed US$ 5 million to ILO voluntary non-core funding in 2020-23

China is a key partner of the ILO in advancing decent work and social justice worldwide.  

The ILO works closely with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on promoting fundamental principles and rights at work, on improving the social protection situation for workers in the informal economy in Lao PDR and Kenya, and on strengthening skills development in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar through South-South and triangular cooperation. 

Furthermore, the ILO benefits from the Chinese expertise through the country’s participation in the Junior Professional Officer programme and professional secondments.  

For more information see China Country portal.

Development Cooperation Dashboard

Development Cooperation Dashboard

Projects funded by China


ILO and MOHRSS of China join hands to enhance South-South cooperation and employment policymaking in South-East Asia

ILO and MOHRSS of China join hands to enhance South-South cooperation and employment policymaking in South-East Asia

Strengthening Skills Development in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar through South-South and Triangular Cooperation Highlights from 2023

Strengthening Skills Development in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar through South-South and Triangular Cooperation Highlights from 2023

China and ILO sign partnership agreement to promote South-South Cooperation

China and ILO sign partnership agreement to promote South-South Cooperation