trainees open an aircraft and learn how to repair

Skills development

Bangladesh study mission on skills development in the Philippines

The Philippines will host a study mission with senior government officials from Bangladesh to learn about competency-based skills development systems within the ASEAN context.

Trainees gain skills as aircraft technician in the Philippines. © Ruben dela Cruz/ILO

The Philippines will host a study mission under the ILO Country Office for Bangladesh’s Leaving No One Behind: Improving Skills and Economic Opportunities for the Rohingya Refugees and Bangladeshi Women and Youth in Cox’s Bazar. The mission will comprise senior officials from the Government of Bangladesh, including representatives from the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS), Department of Youth Development (DVD), National Skills Development Authority (NSDA), and various employers’ and workers’ organizations.


  • Acquire knowledge and information regarding the youth development policy, strategies and programmes under the Youth Development Commission (YDC) and share the Bangladesh experience with the Philippines’ counterpart on the Youth Development programme.
  • Get first-hand insights into the work of ILO’s intervention in the Philippines, particularly youth development programme to improve skills for economic, financial and social inclusion of NEET youth, vulnerable women to increase their participation in mainstream economic activities.
  • Understand the role of public employment support services and how citizens benefit/avail of the services.
  • Understand the role of private sector engagement with youth development programmes.
  • Establish a systematic, continuous, and ongoing technical cooperation between the Government of Bangladesh and the Philippines on skills and livelihood development for youth.
  • Gain first-hand experience on the Philippines’ Skills Development Eco-System for youth development.

Expected results:

  • Initiate a G2G dialogue and communication platform with counterpart ministries of both countries for future collaboration and partnership development for youth development and employment.
  • Better understanding on the governance, roles, functioning and operations of Public Employment Services in the Philippines regarding career guidance and counselling and job placement of youth.
  • Bangladeshi constituents having received practical orientation and hands-on insights on ILO’s interventions in the Philippines.
  • Better understanding on private sector participation/engagement in the Skills Development, Workplace-Based Learning (WBL) and Life-Long Learning.

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