Man standing on a raft in Lunda Norte Province, Angola

Country portal


© Yolande Conradie

Angola has been a member of the ILO since 1976. The ILO is currently present in the country through to support the extension of social protection in the informal sector. The country also receives ILO assistance in the areas of capacity building for employers' and workers' organisations, labour administration and for the promotion of social dialogue.

Latest news and stories

Angola launches the 1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics
Sala Lançamento do Boletim de Estatísticas da Protecção Social Angola

Angola launches the 1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics

Angola strengthens labour statistics to increase capacity to measure employment and labour underutilisation
Participantes Formação Estatísticas de Emprego

Angola strengthens labour statistics to increase capacity to measure employment and labour underutilisation

Projects and programmes

Expanding Social Security to Support the Formalization of the Angolan Economy

Expanding Social Security to Support the Formalization of the Angolan Economy

Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the World of Work in Brazil, Angola, South Africa India, China (BASIC)

Promoting Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in the World of Work in Brazil, Angola, South Africa India, China (BASIC)


Dialogue on Social Protection in Angola

Dialogue on Social Protection in Angola


1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics of Angola

Projects: ACTION-Portugal and ESSAFE Angola

1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics of Angola

CPLP-ILO Cooperation

South-South and Triangular Cooperation

CPLP-ILO Cooperation

Picture of a book case.
All resources

All resources

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  • Phone : (+243) 817.006.113 / (+243) 817.006.189  / (+243) 999.957.875
  • Fax : 

Building LOSONIA,
Boulevard du 30 juin,
en face de la Regideso - B.P. 7248
Kinshasa - RD Congo 

ILO Country Office for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo and Gabon.

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