Sala Lançamento do Boletim de Estatísticas da Protecção Social Angola

Angola launches the 1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics

For the first time, comprehensive data with the relevant indicators on social protection in the country were released.

17 December 2024

© António Gonga / OIT
Content also available in: Português

The International Labour Organization, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security (MAPTSS), held on 17 December, the official launch of the 1st Bulletin of Social Protection Statistics of Angola. This event, which took place at the MAPTSS facilities in Luanda, marks a historic moment in the strengthening of the social protection system in the country, by presenting, for the first time, comprehensive data with the relevant indicators of this essential sector for national development.

Paulo Simões Barroso, encarregado de Negócios da União Europeia, Paulo Dias, em representação da Coordenadora Residente da ONU Angola. © António Gonga / OIT
  Paulo Simões Barroso, European Union Chargé d'Affaires in Angola, and Paulo Dias, representing the UN Angola Coordinator.

The event was attended by important figures from the international and national community. Paulo Simões Barroso, Chargé d'Affaires of the European Union, Paulo Dias, representing the United Nations Resident Coordinator, and Amélia Varela, Secretary of State for Public Administration.

Nelson Cândido - Henrique de Castro e Patrick Pedro na sessão de apresentação e perguntas e respostas sobre o Boletim © António Gonga / OIT

Nelson Cândido, from the National Institute of Social Security, presented the data and analyses contained in the bulletin. The session was followed by a moment of questions and answers, which was attended by technicians Henrique de Castro, from the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, and Patrick Pedro, from the National Institute of Statistics, who allowed a debate among those present.

Denise Monteiro e Mariana Pereira apresentando as conclusões e próximos passos sobre o Boletim de Estatísticas © António Gonga / OIT

Mariana Pereira, ILO Social Protection Expert in Portugal, and Denise Monteiro, ILO Programme Manager in Angola, closed the event, presenting the conclusions and next steps of the work of the Interministerial Technical Working Group on Social Protection Statistics (GITEPS), which prepared the bulletin, highlighting the commitment to be published annually.

A strategic and multisectoral achievement

The Angolan Social Protection Statistics Bulletin is the result of a collaborative process that involved several institutions that worked in concert through GITEPS. This group, led by MAPTSS, is made up of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), the Institute of Local Development (FAS-IDL), the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women (MASFAMU) and Ministry of Finance (MINFIN), Ministry of Administration and Territory (MAT), and the Ministry of Planning (MINPLAN).

The publication covers the period from 2018 to 2022, years coinciding with the implementation of the National Development Plan (PDN 2018-2022), and reflects the advances and challenges in the social protection system, also addressing the demographic, social and economic dimensions that frame and support the pillars of Social Protection: Mandatory Social Protection, Basic Social Protection and Complementary Social Protection. In short, the bulletin not only provides a basis for the analysis of the social protection system, but also contributes to aligning Angola with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially target 1.3.1, which refers to the coverage and universalization of social protection.

This initiative was made possible thanks to the technical and financial support of two projects implemented by the ILO, which strengthened the capacities of Angolan institutions through training, exchange of good practices and technical assistance, namely, the ACTION Project, funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of Portugal, and the Social Security Extension Project to Support the Formalization of the Angolan Economy (ESSAFE Angola),  funded by the European Union.

Participantes com o Boletim de Estatísticas da Protecção Social Angola © António Gonga / OIT

Content and relevance of the bulletin

The bulletin presents a robust set of data and analyses that situate Angola's social protection in the macroeconomic and sociodemographic context. The information contained in the document serves as an indispensable tool to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of public policies in force; supporting more inclusive and comprehensive policy decision-making on social protection; strengthen inter-ministerial coordination in the social protection sector; and inform researchers, journalists, civil society and social and development partners, promoting a reasoned and constructive debate on the challenges and opportunities of the social protection system.

Secretária de Estado Amélia Varela, em representação da Ministra da Administração Pública, Trabalho e Segurança Social © António Gonga / OIT
  Secretary of State for Public Administration, Amélia Varela.

A commitment to sustainable development

The provision of reliable and comprehensive data on social protection is essential to strengthen the State's capacity to respond to the needs of the population, especially the most vulnerable. The bulletin, which will be updated annually, reflects the Government of Angola's commitment to transparency, social inclusion and the achievement of global sustainable development goals.


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