Decent work in supply chains

Advancing decent work in supply chains through sectoral social dialogue

The project aims to support European sectoral social dialogue committees (SSDCs) to ensure decent work in supply chains and advance social justice.

Project details

1 November 2022 - 31 March 2025

European Commission


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The project is co-funded by the European Commission (EC) to support the efforts of the SSDCs and its members to navigate complex changes in the world of work and to advance decent work worldwide.

The SSDCs bring together the social partners from EU Member States in specific sectors to engage in social dialogue to jointly identify solutions that address the most important issues and opportunities of our time. The SSDCs have evolved over time and today comprise 44 committees covering a wide variety of sectors.

The project will offer technical support at the request of social partners in the SSDCs to launch activities to advance decent work and responsible business conduct, to promote ratification and effective implementation of international labour standards, to address decent work deficits, and to respect, promote, and realize the fundamental principles and rights at work.

Project modules

The project comprises two interrelated modules:
  1. Sharing of information about cross-sectoral trends and developments regarding supply chain dynamics, responsible business conduct and due diligence as well as about opportunities and challenges to advance decent work and implementation of international labour standards. This will be done through presentations and briefs which will be shared with the SSDCs for further dissemination among their members.
  2. Development of sector-specific support packages for 2-4 self-selected SSDCs. These support packages will include information about salient decent work challenges and opportunities in the respective supply chains and sectors as well as information about relevant ILO instruments, guidance and tools. It will also include ILO assistance in setting up exchanges of good practices and peer-to-peer learning, including through EU-wide sectoral dialogues and dialogues with social partners and other key stakeholders along the supply chain in producing countries.

Project implementation

The present project is implemented by the ILO’s Sectoral Policies Department (SECTOR). With more than 100 years of experience in supporting sectoral social dialogue around the world, and the associated sector-specific knowledge and experience, SECTOR is uniquely placed to create a better understanding by social partners in SSDCs of key challenges and opportunities to advance decent work through more inclusive, resilient and sustainable supply chains.

Implementation of the project will be closely aligned with the ILO strategy for achieving decent work in supply chains, as adopted by the 347th Session of the Governing Body in March 2023.
The project is co-funded by the European Commission (EC) to support the efforts of the SSDCs and its members to navigate complex changes in the world of work and to advance decent work worldwide.

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